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When to Expect the Year of the Dragon

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The Year of the Black Rabbit is coming to an end.

According to the Eastern calendar, the Year of the Green Wooden Dragon will begin on February 10, 2024, and end on January 28, 2025.

The Eastern New Year, also known as the Chinese New Year, is one of the most significant celebrations for many people around the world.

This celebration follows the lunar calendar and usually falls at the end of January or the beginning of February. In 2024, it will begin from the night of February 9 to the morning of February 10.

The New Year will be unique and bring success and prosperity to those born in this year. Asian civilization associates the dragon with emblems of authority, greatness, and wisdom.

History of the Eastern New Year: Origin and Significance of the Year of the Dragon

The saga of the Eastern New Year is closely tied to many myths and legends passed down from generation to generation. One of the most expressive and important characters of the Eastern New Year is the Dragon. The year is considered one of the most majestic and auspicious.

In Chinese tradition, the Dragon symbolizes kindness, success, and wisdom. According to legend, it was sent from the heavens to protect people from evil spirits. It appears once every 12 years, accompanied by generous gifts from nature, fertility, and prosperity.

The historical period of the Dragon plays a unique role in the Eastern holiday calendar. People born during this period are believed to possess unique personality traits. This is why many consider the Year of the Dragon an excellent time to start new ventures and make progress.

The significance of the Year of the Dragon extends not only to China but also to other East Asian countries such as Japan and Korea.

In general, the Year of the Dragon represents a special period in the Eastern festival culture.

Traditions and Customs of the Eastern New Year in the Year of the Dragon

It is customary: rituals and traditions of the Eastern festival in the Komodo Dragon year are imbued with numerous symbols and beliefs that hold special value for Eastern cultures. The Year of the Dragon is considered one of the most favorable and powerful years in the Chinese calendar, so the celebration of this event is filled with special joy and solemnity.

A significant part of the customs involves decorating residences, streets, and commercial areas. Crimson lanterns and dragons of various sizes become an integral part of city processions and exhibitions dedicated to this celebration. Crimson color symbolizes prosperity and well-being, so it is present almost everywhere—on festive clothing, decorations, and decor items.

One of the most popular customs is the distribution of red envelopes (hongbao) with money or gifts to relatives, friends, and colleagues. This symbolic gesture embodies good wishes and prosperity for the New Year. In addition, many families hold special ceremonies and rituals to attract happiness and dispel negative forces.

Symbolism and Symbols of the Year of the Dragon in the Eastern New Year

Attributes and signs of the Year of the Dragon play a significant role in the Eastern spring equinox holiday. The Dragon, one of the most revered and mysterious creatures in Chinese tradition, is considered especially auspicious during this period. All the symbolism associated with the Dragon has profound meaning and symbolizes different aspects of existence.

One of the most popular signs of the Year of the Dragon is a grand fireworks show. During the New Year period, fire spheres are launched into the atmosphere to ward off evil spirits and beckon prosperity. The fireworks show also symbolizes the festive mood and joy that the New Year brings.

Another well-known sign is the crimson color. Crimson is considered the most fortunate and auspicious pigment in Chinese art. It symbolizes strength, energy, and prosperity. During the New Year holiday, individuals dress in crimson attire, adorn their homes with crimson decorations, and exchange crimson pouches with currency as a symbol of prosperity.

The Dragon, in addition, symbolizes power, intelligence, and kindness.

How the Eastern New Year is Celebrated in Different Countries in the Year of the Dragon

The Asian New Year, also known as the Chinese New Year, is one of the most significant celebrations in East Asia. The Year of the Dragon is considered special and promises to be filled with success and prosperity. Residents celebrate this festive day in various ways in different countries.

In China, the New Year is celebrated with massive processions, fireworks, and traditional rituals. The focus is on the linen giant, symbolizing prosperity and power. People wear crimson attire, considered auspicious, and give money in crimson envelopes.

In the Land of the Rising Sun, the Eastern New Year is a particularly solemn event. Main customs include visiting shrines for prayers for well-being and health, as well as offering fruits and other items to deities. Additionally, the habit of sending letters with a photograph of the Year of the Dragon symbols is popular.

In Vietnam, this holiday is called Tet and represents the most significant event of the year. People decorate their homes with plants and garden products and prepare classic dishes.

Predictions and Forecasts for the Year of the Dragon in the Eastern New Year

The Year of the Dragon in the Eastern New Year is considered one of the strongest and most favorable periods. Many astrologers and prophets make forecasts for the current year to help people understand the upcoming changes and prospects.

One of the main predictions for the Year of the Dragon is the increase in economic activity and prosperity in entrepreneurship. According to astrologers, this year promises success for starting new ventures, investments, and progress in the professional sphere. Improvement of the economic situation and an increase in earnings for many individuals are also predicted.

he Dragon also symbolizes power and energy, so forecasts suggest that in this year, people will find it easier to achieve their goals and implement their plans.

However, astrologers also caution about potential challenges and tests in the Year of the Dragon. This may be related to competition, instability, and potential societal upheavals. Therefore, it is significant to be prepared for such circumstances and react wisely to them.

What to Expect from the Year 2024

In 2024, we will celebrate the Eastern New Year in the form of the Dragon. This symbol of power, intelligence, and luck heralds a bright and productive future for us. The Dragon’s period is a time for realizing ambitious plans and achieving set goals.

In 2024, significant economic successes are expected, as the Dragon is a symbol of prosperity. It is an excellent period for businessmen and individuals looking to scale up their companies.

Political shifts are also expected in 2024. The formidable Dragon symbolizes power and dominance, so changes in the political arena are possible. New leaders may emerge, and outdated organizations may be dismantled or altered.

Cultural events will play a crucial role in 2024. The Eastern New Year under the symbol of the Dragon promises to be a period of vibrant celebrations, festivals, and festive events. It will be a fantastic opportunity to immerse oneself in the unique culture of the East and enjoy its customs.

In general, the Year 2024 under the symbol of the Dragon predicts a period of growth, triumph, and new perspectives.

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