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Areas of relationship (beginning)

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How to Differentiate Between Friendly Relations, Colleagueship, and Charming Neighborly Friendship, Attachment, Passion, and True Love.

We all know that the world is changing, evolving for the better, and so are life values.

This year and the next few years will provide an energetic boost when choosing our feelings, allowing you to choose a true companion for years to come.

But to understand what we want, it wouldn’t hurt to first understand ourselves and then ask ourselves, «who do I need in this complex life?»

I am a numerologist, and therefore I will help you do this using numbers, specifically by examining birthdates.

The birthdate is a guide, a unique hint of our life path, which can tell us a lot about ourselves, our possibilities, and, of course, talents.

My task as a numerologist is to tell you who you are and why you came into this world.

The birthdate tells us about the initial data.

One number describes the potential for health, another for happiness, and another for finances, and so on.

But a person always has freedom and the right to choose.

Both the weak and strong sides of each number are also known.

I will provide information on how things should be to achieve the desired result,

but the choice is yours.

Whether you will adhere to the recommendations or not leave your favorite couch is up to you.

To start the analysis, let’s consider an abstract birthdate, for example — 12.10.1963. Next, you need to add up all the numbers and reduce them to a single digit.

1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 23, which is a two-digit number, so we need to add again to get a single digit.

2 + 3 = 5, and that’s the number we will consider.

5 — Life Path Number (LPN). With this calculation, we get the LPN — Life Path Number.

But to determine relationships, of course, two birthdates are necessary.

I explained by example how to make the calculation of the number needed to determine relationships.

Many people nowadays seek relevant information through numerology.

Numbers can tell a lot — what kind of relationships can be expected from one or another acquaintance — whether they can be reliable friends or capable of love.

I will consider numbers ranging from 1 to 9.

If, when adding up to a single digit, you get 1.

Individuals with this number should walk their path under the energy of the Sun, you are illuminated by the Sun.

You are a leader, chief, manager; you must move forward with an active life position, uniting like-minded people around you, with ecological relationships with colleagues.

You are a pioneer; there may be ups and downs. He who does nothing is never wrong.

There may be not just one or two falls, but a 1 can rise, draw conclusions, and move on with new strength, developing even more prospectively.

In the end, the result of your activity is that you are the leader of a huge enterprise, with all the ensuing consequences.

But if you don’t want to leave your cozy spot, problems won’t wait.

First, you will feel financial difficulties, then family problems will follow, and if you don’t change your life position even after that, then health problems will begin to make themselves felt.

This is the Universe giving you a push, telling you that you are an actor, not a layabout.

But if you continue to lead a passive life, not living according to your date, not activating your numbers, then you will be affected by the negative side of your LPN 1, which will ultimately lead you to loneliness.

Unfortunately, that is the flip side of your 1.

You will feel lonely in this world, thinking that people don’t understand you, don’t want to give you what you desire, and that you are unloved — just alone with your fate.

And what does such a person need in life?

To feel that everything has fallen into place in life, there must be a reliable assistant, comrade, like-minded person who will lend a shoulder in the right place and at the right time, a «gray cardinal,» a wise partner who will share all adversities, help gather strength, and rise to a higher level.

If, when adding up all the numbers of the birthdate, you get a single digit number, then it’s not two leaders, as one might think.

A 2 comes into this life not to become a guardian and defender, but to be an assistant, a friend, a like-minded person.

2 is support, it’s everything related to the environment, to nature, it’s wisdom, it’s like a mother — caring.

They can work with children, for example, in a kindergarten, any work related to nature is also suitable for them.

The task of the number 2 is to be a partner.

Not to create and run a business, but to be a «gray cardinal» next to the head of the business, a peacemaker.

But, under no circumstances should they take everything upon themselves — the business, the family, the husband, the children, the problems.

Believe me, it’s not your task to take on everything.

You chose this path because you are influenced by the energy of the dark side of the Moon.

Yes, you can argue. You say, «What about my children, spouses, neighbors, friends? I must help everyone, how can they do without me?»

Yes, the number 2 should be a partner, it should provide care, create a hearth, help, but not take full responsibility for everyone else.

If you have a Life Path Number 2, look around, are you happy?

Do you have everything you always dreamed of, family, wealth, respect, health?

If you are not satisfied with your life, feel that something is missing, perhaps you are spending too much of your energy.

After all, 2 is also energy.

You have lost your energy by giving without receiving anything in return. Nature does not tolerate such an approach to life; it is important for it to maintain an exchange.

If the number 2 creates energy — it’s a generator, the number 2 is an accumulator, it accumulates the energy of its partner, supporting them.

For comparison, if water is the unit, then 2 is the bottle.

And if a 2 has problems in love, in the family, in finances, it’s because they took on other people’s problems, tasks, and their own wealth remained aside.

Does your life space match what you have?

If you added up all the numbers of your birthdate to a single digit and got 3, then these are the kind of people everyone wants to be around, and even after a short acquaintance, you will feel like you’ve known them all your life.

The life of the party, people say about such individuals: «they’re the best.»

The main task of the number 3 is love.

No matter if it’s a man or a woman.

The meanings for men and women always differ because, at the very least, there are differences based on gender — someone in love gives, someone must be receptive and preserving. Everyone has their own task.

For a person with the Life Path Number (LPN) of 3, it is crucial to preserve the quality of love.

Love is children, a family hearth, and for men, besides this, business is also important.

A person with LPN 3 is suitable for almost everyone with LPN from 2 to 9.

Intelligent, charming, attractive, caring family person, loving father (mother), preserving family values — this is a person with LPN 3.

The number 3 is what gave birth to 1 and 2 — that is, to create, establish a family, create family values, bring order to the family, build a business that brings results, and work with children.

So what is the life path of such a person?

The meaning of life for them lies in love and respect — for family, children, relatives.

3 is a spiritual number, so people with it need a spiritual planet. This is Jupiter.

It is the largest and heaviest planet. It gives people with the number Three wisdom, helps them find a way out of the most difficult situations, and attracts luck.

The path of an explorer, a philosophical mindset, self-analysis.

The karmic task is to learn to be in the flow.

The purpose is to give the world creative ideas.

The field of activity is synthesis through creativity.

Strength: a downpour of ideas — generation; it is essential to write down ideas because 3 quickly forgets them, not because of bad memory, but because the next idea already occupies their mind completely, and they may not even remember the previous one.

Weakness: chaos, depression.

The field of activity includes all creative spheres, as well as professions related to mentoring. Teachers — not necessarily secular teachers in school; they have no creativity index; they just know how to impart knowledge.

It’s good if they realize themselves in marketing, and remote work is also their thing.

If when adding up all the numbers of your birthdate you get a single-digit number 4, then it is your LPN — the life path number.

Number 4, then it is your LPN — the life path number.

Who are the carriers of LPN 4, and what does this number tell us?

It tells us that your main value, which you would like to have in life, is stability. You are a builder, a manager.

You love material, material goods.

Yes, risky business is not for you.

LPN 4 carriers are the best engineers, the best partners. These are people who can organize and manage work so that everything goes smoothly.

They are purposeful, striving for the desired result.

They have a plan, and they stick to it; they have a goal, and they strive for it.

Partners are easier to find among colleagues, who are just as purposeful and goal-oriented.

If a partner responds like this — «Oh, I don’t know… I don’t understand,» while not wanting to delve into the intricacies of the matter, they simply start to irritate a 4. The partner should do the work, and they should also have plans, goals they are striving for.

For a person with LPN 4, it is important that everything is organized, they cannot stand chaos, both at home and in affairs.

Stable career growth is important to them.

The negative side of 4 is when a person consistently does not engage in self-education, and they are content with their work, for example, as a clerk in a supermarket or a laborer in an enterprise. Physical labor is also most often representative of LPN 4.

In the next article, there will be material about people with LPN from 5 to 9, you can find the continuation of the article.

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