How to clear karma yourself

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Karma is an energetic field that surrounds each of us and accumulates as a result of our actions and thoughts. Believing in the law of cause and effect, many people seek to cleanse their karma of negative energies and impurities. However, it is not always possible to seek help from specialists or perform complex rituals.

Firstly, it is necessary to understand what karma is.

One of the important concepts in Indian philosophy, translated from Sanskrit, means «deed» — karma.

These are our deeds and thoughts, which can be both positive and negative.

Similarly, karma can carry positive and negative energies that affect us.

In world religions, lists of mortal sins are provided (in Orthodoxy — seven, in Buddhism — ten, in Islam — 76, etc.). And the person himself, by his actions and thoughts, creates blessings or misfortunes for himself.

It is necessary to find out where we can encounter karmic numbers:

Date of birth;
For example; 13.12.1999, here we consider only 13 — the number — the day of your birth.

LPN — life path number, which is calculated by adding up all the numbers of the date of birth, and consider in the range from 1 to 19, if the sum gives numbers 13, 14, 16, 19, then leave them unchanged (this is only for calculating the karmic number, for other cases the calculations are different).
For example; 04.03.2022 — 0+4+0+3+2+0+2+2 = 13 — karmic number.

How to clear karma yourself

You can also add up separately the day, month, and year of birth, in these sums there may also be karmic numbers, and then add up the three obtained.

For example; 14.10.1954 — 1+4+1+0+1+9+5+4 = 25 —



1+9+5+4=19 — karmic number,

now add up the three numbers obtained

5+1+19 = 25

It is also necessary to consider that everyone born from 1900 to 1999 already has a karmic number — 19 — in the year.

In calculations of Last Name, First Name, Patronymic: NP, FL, PL.
The name number is calculated by substituting the number corresponding to the letter, then all the numbers are added up, and it is determined whether there is a karmic number.

Such calculations should be made in all variations of the full name, if a karmic number is obtained in the surname, or patronymic, or in combinations involving them, then these karmic family tasks are passed on to us, along the paternal line.

So we have identified most of the places where karmic numbers can be found.

Now let’s understand what energy these numbers are filled with.

All karmic signs are influenced by the Sun, as the number One is ahead, and let’s also consider the neighboring numbers:

How to clear karma yourself

13 — 1 — Sun; 3 — Jupiter; 1+3=4, 4 — Rahu.
14 — 1 — Sun; 4 — Rahu; 1+4=5, 5 — Mercury.
16 — 1 — Sun; 6 — Venus; 1+6=7, 7 — Ketu.
19 — 1 — Sun; 9 — Mars; 1+9=10; 1+0=1, 101 — Reinforced Sun in passion.

If you have determined the number 13 in your calculations, then it indicates that this person is likely to be egoistic, focused on their «self,» pursued their goals by any means necessary, used their surroundings, «walked over heads,» and behaved inappropriately as a leader. If a person continues to live without changing anything in their life, then 13 can exacerbate their life positions, and not for the better.

All karmic numbers start with 1, which means they are under the influence of the Sun, and this manifests in the energy of passion and pride. The Sun elevates and prompts a person toward egoism. Such people want everything here and now. They are usually active disputants and have a consumerist attitude towards life.

Jupiter slightly softens the One; the main thing is for the person to realize and, if they remove their arrogance and start treating people well, this will be the beginning of correction.

14 — caused harm to others — non-fulfillment of obligations and promises, oppression of freedom.

When 14, by addition (1+4=5), turns into 5, it becomes tricky Mercury. Do not allow fraud into your life; such people can get out of any situation, make patrons, and deceive others.

How to clear karma yourself

16 — the number shows that in the lives of these people, love triangles, infidelity, and adultery are prevalent.

The main correction is to get married before the age of 27 because a successful marriage is important to them.

19 — abuse of power, it is important not to engage in manipulation. It also includes all kinds of dependencies — on alcohol, women to men, vice versa, and so on…

For people with the numbers 13, 14, 16, 19 in their date of birth or in their numerological calculations, it is necessary to learn to track dependencies and learn to communicate, listen to others.

To manage karma, one must know its laws. There are only twelve of them, and they state the following:

-Every action has consequences.
-Each of us influences the world.
-Accept the world as it is.
-Only by realizing mistakes can they be corrected.
-Self-improvement leads to positive changes.
-Everything that happens to us is the result of our actions.
-Focus on the good.
-Be grateful to the world for everything you have.
-Live in the present moment.
-Only by understanding the problem can you get rid of it.
-Work tirelessly to achieve success.
-Follow inspiration.

The first step in cleansing karma is awareness. Before beginning the cleansing process, it’s important to understand what exactly you want to change in your life or rid yourself of negativity. This could be dissatisfaction with your life, feelings of guilt, or anger towards someone. Write down your thoughts and emotions on paper – this will help you become aware of your state and set a goal for cleansing.

At the next stage, you can use various techniques for karma cleansing. Meditation is one of the most effective methods. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Allow all negative thoughts and emotions to dissipate, and then visualize yourself surrounded by bright light, completely cleansed of all negativity.

Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Visualize the flow of energy passing through you and cleansing your karma of negative traces. You can use affirmations like «I release all negative influences of the past» or «I embrace positive changes in my life.» Meditation helps calm the mind, relieve stress, and fill you with positive energy.

It’s also important to pay attention to your behavior and relationships with others. Showing kindness, compassion, and forgiveness can significantly aid in karma cleansing. Be prepared to take responsibility for your actions and apologize to those you have hurt or offended. This not only helps cleanse your karma but also creates a conducive atmosphere for better relationships with others.

Meditation and visualization are effective methods of self-cleansing karma. They allow us to focus on our thoughts, emotions, actions, and inner state.

One of the key elements of meditation is contemplation of our thoughts. It’s important to be attentive to the thoughts that come and go from our consciousness. We may notice certain negative or destructive thoughts related to past actions or relationships. It’s important not to judge these thoughts but simply observe them without resistance or judgment.

Visualization is the process of creating images in our minds. We can use this tool to cleanse karma by creating positive images and perceptions of ourselves and others. For example, you can imagine all the negativity around you dissolving and fading away, replaced by light and purity. You can also visualize forgiveness – how we forgive others and ourselves for past mistakes or offenses.

Karma cleansing also involves the process of forgiveness – both of oneself and others. Forgiveness allows us to let go of anger, resentment, and negative emotions associated with certain people or events. To forgive, you need to acknowledge your suffering, understand the motives of others, and try to put yourself in their shoes.

The third method is working on your own negative character traits. Each of us has certain negative traits that can be a source of karmic baggage. Self-improvement involves recognizing these traits and gradually overcoming them. This can be achieved through self-observation, feedback from others, or consultation with specialists.

The fourth method is charity and good deeds. Helping others and selfless actions

both the giver and the recipient. The practice of charity helps us expand our hearts, develop compassion, and express gratitude for all the good in life.

Another effective method is to engage in a ritual using aromatic candles or oils. Choose a scent that symbolizes purity and cleansing for you, such as lavender or eucalyptus. Light the candle or diffuse the oil in the room, creating a pleasant atmosphere and attracting positive energies.

Don’t forget the power of forgiveness. Forgiveness allows you to release negative energy and grievances. Try to forgive not only other people but also yourself for past mistakes. Visualize the act of forgiveness and gradually let go of all resentments and offenders from your heart.

It’s important to remember that karma cleansing is a lengthy process that requires patience and perseverance. However, it can bring deep inner liberation and harmony with the universe.

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